Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23 by 23

I love lists. I can conjure up a list for anything. So I'm turning 23 in 2 months. Time for a list.

These are 23 things I want to do by 23.

1. Go to Vegas - Going tomorrow!
2. Get a tattoo
3. Have a champagne brunch at my house - perhaps for my actual birthday? It is a Sunday.
4. Know what city I will be in the next 3 years
5. See my boo
6. Plant some flowers in the garden
7. Create my own cupcake recipe
8. Organize my recipes in a binder
9. Hang some more art
10. Create at least 2 pieces of art
11. Create that pajama collection
12. Cut my closet down to a more manageable size.
13. Get a smaller desk.
14. Go on a picnic
15. Climb Mission Peak
16. Lose 5 pounds
17. Own less. Give more.
18. Print out my pictures
19. Visit Santa Cruz again
20. Celebrate the 21st birthdays of Weenie and Stephawu
21. Find out my signature cocktail
22. Design an evening bag
23. Take my parents out to dinner for dealing with me these past 23 years. Trust me, it was not easy.

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